
Resends the GDPR consent reminder email to the domain owner contact.

Request Parameters

Standard parameters:

  • action = gdpr_send_consent_reminder_email
  • object = domain
  • protocol = XCP


Parameters within the attributes associative array are described below.

Parameter nameObligationDefinition/Value
domainRequiredThe domain for which the consent reminder email is being sent.

Response Parameters

Standard parameters

  • action = reply
  • object = domain
  • is_success = a Boolean is returned, indicating success or failure of the
  • response_code = response code indicating outcome of the request
  • response_text = message describing the outcome of the request


<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
    <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
    <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
    <item key="action">gdpr_send_consent_reminder_email</item>
    <item key="attributes">
      <item key="domain"></item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
    <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
    <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
    <item key="response_text">GDPR consent reminder email request has been submitted</item>
    <item key="action">REPLY</item>
    <item key="response_code">200</item>
    <item key="is_success">1</item>