Until June 10, 2019, if you want to register an available second level .UK
domain name, and the name is already registered as a third level .UK domain
(for example. or, the owner contact information for the
second level .UK name must be an exact match to the owner contact
information of the equivalent third level .UK domain name.
This command checks whether the specified domain name is registered as a
third level .UK domain (for example. or with the same
registrar and reseller, and if so, returns the owner contact details.
Request parameters for uk_get_blocker_contact
Standard parameters
- action = uk_get_blocker_contact
- object = domain
Parameters within the attributes associative array are described below.
Parameter name | Obligation | Definition/Value |
domain | Required | The second level domain name, including the .uk extension. |
Response parameters for uk_get_blocker_contact
Standard parameters
action = reply
object = domain
is_success = a Boolean is returned, indicating success or failure of the
response_code = response code indicating outcome of the request
response_text = message describing the outcome of the request
The owner contact details for the third level domain.
Examples for uk_get_blocker_contact
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
<item key="protocol">XCP</item>
<item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
<item key="action">UK_GET_BLOCKER_CONTACT</item>
<item key="attributes">
<item key="domain"></item>
If no equivalent third level domain is registered with the same registrar and reseller
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
<item key="protocol">XCP</item>
<item key="action">REPLY</item>
<item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
<item key="response_text">There is no domain blocking</item>
<item key="response_code">200</item>
<item key="is_success">1</item>
If there is an equivalent domain name registered under the same registrar and reseller
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
<item key="protocol">XCP</item>
<item key="action">REPLY</item>
<item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
<item key="response_text">Command Successfully Completed</item>
<item key="response_code">200</item>
<item key="attributes">
<item key="first_name">Spencer</item>
<item key="last_name">Gibbons</item>
<item key="address1">96 Mowat Ave</item>
<item key="address2"></item>
<item key="address3"></item>
<item key="city">Bristol</item>
<item key="state"></item>
<item key="country">GB</item>
<item key="postal_code">BS1 4AW </item>
<item key="uk_whois_opt">N</item>
<item key="org_name">Spencer Gibbons</item>
<item key="phone">+44.2075551234</item>
<item key="registrant_type">IND</item>
<item key="email"></item>
<item key="blocker"></item>
<item key="is_success">1</item>
If the equivalent domain name is not registered with the same registrar and reseller
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
<item key="protocol">XCP</item>
<item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
<item key="action">REPLY</item>
<item key="is_success">1</item>
<item key="response_text">Cannot get contact details for which is blocking registration of because is not with this registrar or not with this
<item key="response_code">465</item>
<item key="attributes">
<item key="blocker"></item>
If the domain name is not available
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
<item key="protocol">XCP</item>
<item key="action">REPLY</item>
<item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
<item key="response_text">Domain name not available</item>
<item key="response_code">211</item>
<item key="is_success">1</item>
Updated about 2 years ago