When a domain is registered or transferred, or when the registrant contact information is changed, the registrant must reply to an email requesting them to confirm that the submitted contact information is correct. This command returns the current state of the verification request.
Request parameters
Standard request parameters
- action = get_registrant_verification_status
- object = domain
Request attributes
Parameter | Obligation | Definition/Value |
domain | Required | The domain name to retrieve the registrant verification status for. |
Response parameters
Standard response parameters
- action = reply
- object = domain
- is_success = Boolean indicating success or failure of the request.
- response_code = Response code indicating outcome of the request.
- response_text = Message describing the outcome of the request.
Response attributes
Parameters within the attributes associative array are described below:
Parameter | Obligation | Definition/Value |
registrant_verification_status | Always returned | The current status of the verification. Allowed values are: admin_reviewing—The registrant data has been submitted and is being validated manually by the Tucows Compliance team. pending—The verification process has been initiated, and the verification email will be sent. suspended—The registrant has failed verification and the domain has been suspended. verified—The registrant has been validated. verifying—The verification process has been initiated and is waiting for registrant response. unverified—The verification process has not been initiated. |
verification_deadline | Returned for unverified domains | The date by which the domain will be suspended. |
days_to_suspend | Returned for unverified domains | The number of days remaining until the domain is suspended if the registrant information is not validated. If the domain has already been suspended, this value will be a negative number. |
email_bounced | Returned for unverified domains | Returns 1, if the verification email was triggered because the WDRP or the renewal notice bounced. |
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
<item key="protocol">XCP</item>
<item key="action">get_registrant_verification_status</item>
<item key="object">domain</item>
<item key="attributes">
<item key="domain"></item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
<item key="protocol">XCP</item>
<item key="action">REPLY</item>
<item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
<item key="response_code">200</item>
<item key="is_success">1</item>
<item key="response_text">Command Successful</item>
<item key="attributes">
<item key="registrant_verification_status">suspended</item>
<item key="verification_deadline">2013-11-02
<item key="email_bounced">1</item>
<item key="days_to_suspend">2</item>
Updated over 2 years ago