Changes the default messaging language of a domain. Notification messages sent to resellers will use this default language, unless an alternate language has been specified for a particular message. Message-specific language preferences can be set in the RCP.
Response parameters for modify_messaging_language
Standard parameters
- action = modify
- object = domain
- registrant_ip = valid IP address of the registrant (optional)
Parameters within the attributes associative array are described below.
Parameter name | Obligation | Definition/Value |
messaging_language | Required | The updated default messaging language for a domain. Possible values are: af-ZA (Afrikaans) ar-AE (Arabic) id-ID (Bahasa Indonesia) bs-BA (Bosnian) bg-BG (Bulgarian) zh-CN (Chinese) hr-HR (Croatian) cs-CZ (Czech) da-DK (Danish) nl-NL (Dutch) en-US (English) fi-FI (Finnish) fr-FR (French) de-DE (German) el-GR (Greek) hi-IN (Hindi) it-IT (Italian) ja-JP (Japanese) ko-KR (Korean) lv-LV (Latvian) lt-LT (Lithuanian) ms-MY (Malay) no-NO (Norwegian) fa-AF (Persian) pl-PL (Polish) pt-BR (Portuguese) ro-RO (Romanian) ru-RU (Russian) sr-RS (Serbian) sk-SK (Slovak) es-ES (Spanish) sv-SE (Swedish) th-TH (Thai) tr-TR (Turkish) vi-VN (Vietnamese) |
Response parameters modify_messaging_language
Standard parameters
- action = reply
- object = domain
- is_success = a Boolean is returned, indicating success or failure of the
request - response_code = response code indicating outcome of the request
- response_text = message describing the outcome of the request
Examples for modify_messaging_language
When modifying the language after domain registration
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<item key="protocol">XCP</item>
<item key="action">MODIFY_MESSAGING_LANGUAGE</item>
<item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
<item key="domain"></item>
<item key="attributes">
<item key="messaging_language">de-DE</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
<item key="protocol">XCP</item>
<item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
<item key="response_text">Command successful</item>
<item key="action">REPLY</item>
<item key="response_code">200</item>
<item key="is_success">1</item>
Updated over 2 years ago