Queries the list of approvers for the SSL service that is associated with a specified domain.
This command is currently not supported for Trustwave certificates.
Request parameters for query_approver_list
Standard parameters
- action = query_approver_list
- object = trust_service attributes
Parameters within the attributes associative array are described below.
Parameter name | Obligation | Definition/Value |
domain | Required | The domain to which the SSL Service approver list belongs. |
product_type | Required | The product type from the SSL Certificate inventory. Allowed values are: comodo_ev comodo_instantssl comodo_premiumssl comodo_premiumssl_wildcard comodo_ssl comodo_wildcard essentialssl essentialssl_wildcard positivessl quickssl quickssl_premium securesite securesite_pro securesite_ev securesite_pro_ev sgcsuper_certs ssl123 sslwebserver sslwebserver_wildcard sslwebserver_ev symantec_ssl_lite symantec_ssl_lite_wildcard truebizid truebizid_wildcard truebizid_ev **As of September 30th 2020, The following products will no longer be available: quickssl (translate to quickssl_premium) thawte_csc (Thawte Code Signing) securesite_ft securesite_pro_ft securesite_ev_ft securesite_pro_ev_ft truebizid_ev_ft |
Response parameters for query_approver_list
Standard parameters
- action = reply
- object = trust_service
- is_success = a Boolean is returned, indicating success or failure of the
request - response_code = response code indicating outcome of the request
- response_text = message describing the outcome of the request
If the request is successful, the attributes associative array may include the following:
Parameter name | Obligation | Definition/Value |
approver_list | Returned if is_success = true | The list of approvers and their properties. For more information, see the approver_list table. |
Parameters within the approver_list associative array are described below.
Parameter name | Obligation | Definition/Value |
domain | Always returned | The domain to which the SSL Service applies. |
Always returned | SSL Service approver email address. | |
type | Always returned | SSL Service approver type. Allowed values are: generic—Generated by pre-pending predefined list of prefixes to the domain name. Prefixes include admin, administrator, hostmaster, root, webmaster, postmaster, and support. manual—A list of support addresses taken from WHOIS. |
Examples for query_approver_list
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
<item key="protocol">XCP</item>
<item key="action">query_approver_list</item>
<item key="object">trust_service</item>
<item key="attributes">
<item key="domain">example.com</item>
<item key="product_type">quickssl</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
<item key="protocol">XCP</item>
<item key="action">REPLY</item>
<item key="object">TRUST_SERVICE</item>
<item key="response_text">Command completed successfully.</item>
<item key="is_success">1</item>
<item key="response_code">200</item>
<item key="attributes">
<item key="approver_list">
<item key="0">
<item key="email">qafive@example.com</item>
<item key="domain">example.com</item>
<item key="type">MANUAL</item>
<item key="1">
<item key="email">ottway@example.com</item>
<item key="domain">example.com</item>
<item key="type">MANUAL</item>
<item key="2">
<item key="email">admin@example.com</item>
<item key="domain">example.com</item>
<item key="type">GENERIC</item>
<item key="3">
<item key="email">administrator@example.com</item>
<item key="domain">example.com</item>
<item key="type">GENERIC</item>
<item key="4">
<item key="email">hostmaster@example.com</item>
<item key="domain">example.com</item>
<item key="type">GENERIC</item>
<item key="5">
<item key="email">root@example.com</item>
<item key="domain">example.com</item>
<item key="type">GENERIC</item>
<item key="6">
<item key="email">webmaster@example.com</item>
<item key="domain">example.com</item>
<item key="type">GENERIC</item>
<item key="7">
<item key="email">postmaster@example.com</item>
<item key="domain">example.com</item>
<item key="type">GENERIC</item>
<item key="8">
<item key="email">support@example.com</item>
<item key="domain">example.com</item>
<item key="type">MANUAL</item>
Updated over 4 years ago