get (domain)

Queries various types of data regarding the user's domain. The list type queries the list of domains associated with the user's profile. The list type can also be used to return a list of domains that expire within a specified range. The nameservers type returns the nameservers currently acting as DNS servers for the domain.

Request parameters

Standard request parameters

  • action = get
  • object = domain
  • registrant_ip = valid IP address of the registrant (optional)



The get_domain command will return results if a domain is active or in the expiration grace period, but it will not return results once a domain is deleted during and after the redemption period. Also, this command may be used without end-user credentials when using type=admin, all_info, billing, expire_action, forwarding_email (.NAME only), list, tech, owner, nameservers, status, rsp_whois_info, ced_info, nexus_info, or whois_privacy_state.

Request attributes

Parameters within the attributes associative array are described below:

domainRequiredThe relevant domain.
typeRequiredThe type of query, allowed values are:

admin—Returns admin contact information.
billing— Returns billing contact information.
owner— Returns owner contact information.
tech— Returns tech contact information.

all_info—Returns all information.

auto_renew_flag—Returns domain auto-renew flag value.

domain_auth_info— Returns domain authorization code, if applicable.

expire_action— Returns the action to be taken upon domain expiry, specifically whether to auto-renew the domain, or let it expire silently.

forwarding_email— Returns forwarding email for .NAME 2nd level.

list— Returns list of domains in the same profile or returns list of domains for user using cookie method.

nameservers— Returns nameserver information.

registry_dates—Returns domain created, expiry and last updated dates from the registry.

rsp_whois_info— Returns name and contact information for RSP.

status— Returns lock or escrow status of the domain.

tld_data—Returns additional information that is required by some registries, such as the residency of the registrant.

waiting history— Returns information on asynchronous requests.

whois_privacy_state— Returns the state for the WHOIS Privacy feature: enabled, disabled, enabling, or disabling. Note: If the TLD does not allow WHOIS Privacy, always returns Disabled.

whois_publicity_state— Returns the state for the WHOIS Publicity feature: enabled, disabled. Note: If the TLD does not allow WHOIS Privacy, always returns Disabled.

TLD specific types:

au_registrant_info—Returns the current .AU registrant information for .AU domains.

ca_whois_display_setting—Returns the current CIRA Whois Privacy setting for .CA domains.

ced_info—Returns the current CED info for .ASIA domains. CED info is optional as of July 15th, 2017.

it_registrant_info—Returns the current registrant info for .IT domains.

it_whois_display_setting—Returns the current Whois Privacy setting for .IT domains.

nexus_info—Returns the nexus information for .US domains.

uk_whois_opt—Returns the Whois Privacy setting for .UK domains.

xpack_waiting_history—Returns the state of completed/cancelled requests not yet deleted from the database for .DK domains. All completed/cancelled requests are deleted from the database two weeks after they move to final state.

xxx_ipr_data—Returns the current IPR data for .XXX domains.
Required if:
type = list
Defines the expiration range (in days): to fetch the list of domains that are between min_to_expiry and max_to_expiry before expiration date.
Note: If min_to_expiry is not provided, it defaults to 0. If min_to_expiry > max_to_expiry, the list is empty. These parameters can have negative values, which means days past the expiration date. For example, -5 means 5 days past the expiration date.
active_contacts_onlyOptionalRetrieves the currently active contact information for owner, admin, billing and tech, as they are currently set on the domain. This info will be returned regardless of whether there is a pending trade in progress.
pageOptionalDetermines which page to retrieve, using the page number. The page index starts at 0 (zero).
limitOptionalThe maximum number of domains to return per page.
clean_ca_subsetOptionalDetermines the type of contact_set values that are returned for .CA domains when type = admin or tech.

Note: If clean_ca_subset = 1, the address data is returned as standard address fields (address1, address2, and address3).

If clean_ca_subset is not specified, the query returns the values addr_address_number, addr_corporative, addr_office, addr_orientation, addr_street_cat, and addr_street_name along with the standard address fields (address1, address2, and address3).

Response parameters

Standard response parameters

  • action = reply
  • object = domain
  • is_success = Boolean indicating success or failure of the request.
  • response_code = Response code indicating outcome of the request.
  • response_text = Message describing the outcome of the request.

Response attributes

The response message returned varies depending on the value of the type field that was used to send the request, each type is broken down below.

type = admin, billing, owner, or tech

contact_setReturned when:
type = owner, admin, billing, or tech and is_success = true
An associative array containing the contact information of the requested type. For details on contact fields, see: Contact Set.
gdpr_consent_statusReturned when:
type = all_info or type = owner
Displays whether or not the registrant has completed the GDPR consent requirements.

Possible values
descrReturned when:
type = owner, admin, billing, or tech and is_success = true
The domain description.
statusAlways returnedThe status of the contact.

Possible values
pending_current_registrant - waiting on action from the current owner/registrant of the domain.
pending_new_registrant - waiting on action from the registrant/owner to whom the domain is pending transfer.

When a pending_current_registrant or pending_new_registrant value is displayed, the contact information included in the response is that which will be displayed in whois once the trade is complete.

Both pending_current_registrant and pending_new_registrant will only ever be returned for gTLDs.


Example 1: Standard request
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">owner</item>
                        <item key="limit">10</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="contact_set">
                                <item key="owner">
                                        <item key="country">CA</item>
                                        <item key="address3"></item>
                                        <item key="status">active</item>
                                        <item key="org_name">Widgets Co</item>
                                        <item key="phone">+1.8885555555</item>
                                        <item key="last_name">Smith</item>
                                        <item key="address2"></item>
                                        <item key="state">ON</item>
                                        <item key="email"></item>
                                        <item key="city">Toronto</item>
                                        <item key="postal_code">M6K 3M1</item>
                                        <item key="fax"></item>
                                        <item key="address1">96 Mowat Avenue</item>
                                        <item key="first_name">Ralph</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
Example 2: clean_ca_subset = 1
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="action">GET</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="clean_ca_subset">1</item>
                        <item key="type">admin</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="contact_set">
                                <item key="admin">
                                        <item key="address1">32 Oak Street</item>
                                        <item key="address2"></item>
                                        <item key="address3"></item>
                                        <item key="status">active</item>
                                        <item key="city">Toronto</item>
                                        <item key="state">ON</item>
                                        <item key="postal_code">M1M1M1</item>
                                        <item key="country">CA</item>
                                        <item key="org_name">Example Company</item>
                                        <item key="phone">+1.4165551212</item>
                                        <item key="fax"></item>
                                        <item key="first_name">Marlin</item>
                                        <item key="last_name">Wilk</item>
                                        <item key="email"></item>
                                        <item key="lang">EN</item>
Example 3: Without clean_ca_subset
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">GET</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">admin</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="contact_set">
                                <item key="admin">
                                        <item key="addr_address_number"></item>
                                        <item key="addr_corporative"></item>
                                        <item key="addr_office"></item>
                                        <item key="addr_orientation"></item>
                                        <item key="addr_street_cat"></item>
                                        <item key="addr_street_name">32 Oak Street</item>
                                        <item key="address1">32 Oak Street</item>
                                        <item key="address2"></item>
                                        <item key="address3"></item>
                                        <item key="status">active</item>
                                        <item key="city">Toronto</item>
                                        <item key="state">ON</item>
                                        <item key="postal_code">M1M1M1</item>
                                        <item key="country">CA</item>
                                        <item key="org_name">Example Company</item>
                                        <item key="first_name">Marlin</item>
                                        <item key="last_name">Wilk</item>
                                        <item key="lang">EN</item>
                                        <item key="email"></item>
                                        <item key="phone">+1.4165551212</item>
                                        <item key="fax"></item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
Example 4: Without end-user credentials
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone='yes'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">GET</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="domain"></item>
                        <item key="type">admin</item>
                        <item key="limit">10</item>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone='yes'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="contact_set">
                                <item key="billing">
                                        <item key="org_name">Empire Limited Inc.</item>
                                        <item key="first_name">George</item>
                                        <item key="last_name">Walsh</item>
                                        <item key="address1">44 Hemlock St.</item>
                                        <item key="address2"></item>
                                        <item key="address3"></item>
                                        <item key="status">active</item>
                                        <item key="city">Tampa</item>
                                        <item key="state">Florida</item>
                                        <item key="country">US</item>
                                        <item key="postal_code">90211</item>
                                        <item key="phone">+1.4165551122</item>
                                        <item key="fax"></item>
                                        <item key="email"></item>

type = all_info

The response message consists of a combination of the fields used for type = nameserver, and type = owner, admin, tech, or billing. The contact_set contains a type for each possible contact type.

Also returns the fields: auto_renew, expiredate, let_expire, sponsoring_rsp as per the Extended Results of type = list.

affiliate_idReturned if applicable and is_success = 1The affiliate id associated with the domain.
descrReturned when:
type = all_info
and is_success = 1
The text of the domain description.
dns_errorsReturned when:
type = all_info
and is_success = 1
The text of the DNS errors.
nameserver_listReturned when:
type = all_info
and is_success = 1
A list of nameservers. Each nameserver is represented as an anonymous associative array.

For more information, see the Nameserver_List table below.
registry_createdateReturned when:
type = all_info
and is_success = 1
The date that the domain was created at the Registry.
registry_expiredateReturned when: type = all_info.
Only if the Registry provides this information.
The domain's expiry date as recorded at the Registry.
registry_transferdateReturned when: type = all_info.
Only if the Registry provides this information and the domain was transferred.
The Registry's record of when the domain was transferred.
registry_updatedateReturned when:
type = all_info
Only if the Registry provides this information.
The date the domain was last updated at the Registry.
sponsoring_rspReturned when:
type = all_info
and is_success = 1
Indicates if the domain is under your reseller profile:

0—Domain is provisioned by a different reseller

1—Domain is under your reseller profile (logged- in reseller)
tld_dataReturned for:
Required for specific TLDs when:
type = all_info and is_success = 1
An associative array containing registrant information.

For more information, see: tld_data.

Parameters within the nameserver_list associative array are described below:

ip_addressReturned if the nameserver has an IPv4 address.The IPv4 address of the nameserver.
ipv6Returned if the nameserver has an IPv6 address.The IPv6 address of the nameserver.
nameReturned when type = all_infoThe name of the nameserver.
sort_orderReturned when type = all_infoThe nameserver sort order.


Example 1: Standard request
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">all_info</item>
                        <item key="limit">10</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="auto_renew">1</item>
                        <item key="contact_set">
                                <item key="admin">
                                        <item key="country">US</item>
                                        <item key="address3">Admin</item>
                                        <item key="org_name">Example Inc.</item>
                                        <item key="phone">+1.4165550123x1812</item>
                                        <item key="last_name">Adams</item>
                                        <item key="address2">Suite 100</item>
                                        <item key="status">active</item>
                                        <item key="state">CA</item>
                                        <item key="email"></item>
                                        <item key="city">Santa Clara</item>
                                        <item key="postal_code">90210</item>
                                        <item key="fax">+1.4165550125</item>
                                        <item key="address1">32 Oak Street</item>
                                        <item key="first_name">Adler</item>
                                <item key="owner">
                                        <item key="country">US</item>
                                        <item key="address3">Owner</item>
                                        <item key="status">active</item>
                                        <item key="org_name">Example Inc.</item>
                                        <item key="phone">+1.4165550123x1902</item>
                                        <item key="last_name">Ottway</item>
                                        <item key="address2">Suite 500</item>
                                        <item key="state">CA</item>
                                        <item key="email"></item>
                                        <item key="city">SomeCity</item>
                                        <item key="postal_code">90210</item>
                                        <item key="fax">+1.4165550124</item>
                                        <item key="address1">32 Oak Street</item>
                                        <item key="first_name">Owen</item>
                                <item key="billing">
                                        <item key="country">US</item>
                                        <item key="address3">Billing</item>
                                        <item key="org_name">Example Inc.</item>
                                        <item key="phone">+1.4165550123x1248</item>
                                        <item key="last_name">Burton</item>
                                        <item key="address2">Suite 200</item>
                                        <item key="status">active</item>
                                        <item key="state">CA</item>
                                        <item key="email"></item>
                                        <item key="city">Santa Clara</item>
                                        <item key="postal_code">90210</item>
                                        <item key="fax">+1.4165550136</item>
                                        <item key="address1">32 Oak Street</item>
                                        <item key="first_name">Bill</item>
                        <item key="registry_updatedate">2016-04-22 05:36:05</item>
                        <item key="sponsoring_rsp">1</item>
                        <item key="registry_createdate">2010-01-03 06:48:18</item>
                        <item key="affiliate_id"></item>
                        <item key="expiredate">2017-01-03 06:48:18</item>
                        <item key="let_expire">0</item>
                        <item key="tld_data"></item>
                        <item key="registry_expiredate">2017-01-03 06:48:18</item>
                        <item key="nameserver_list">
                                <item key="0">
                                        <item key="ipaddress"></item> <item key="sortorder">1</item>
                                        <item key="name"></item>
                                <item key="1">
                                        <item key="ipaddress"></item>
                                        <item key="sortorder">2</item>
                                        <item key="name"></item>
                                <item key="2">
                                        <item key="ipaddress"></item>
                                        <item key="sortorder">3</item>
                                        <item key="name"></item>
                                <item key="3">
                                        <item key="ipaddress"></item>
                                        <item key="sortorder">4</item>
                                        <item key="name"></item>
                                <item key="4">
                                        <item key="ipaddress"></item>
                                        <item key="sortorder">5</item>
                                        <item key="name"></item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
Example 2: .CA domain
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">GET</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="limit">10</item>
                        <item key="type">all_info</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="registry_createdate">2009-10-26 00:00:00</item>
                        <item key="fqdn2"></item>
                        <item key="legal_type">CCT</item>
                        <item key="fqdn1"></item>
                        <item key="sponsoring_rsp">1</item>
                        <item key="expiredate">2010-10-26 00:00:00</item>
                        <item key="auto_renew">0</item>
                        <item key="registry_expiredate">2010-10-26 00:00:00</item>
                        <item key="nameserver_list">
                                <item key="0">
                                        <item key="name"></item>
                                        <item key="sortorder">1</item>
                                        <item key="ipaddress"></item>
                                <item key="1">
                                        <item key="name"></item>
                                        <item key="sortorder">2</item>
                                        <item key="ipaddress"></item>
                                <item key="2">
                                        <item key="name"></item>
                                        <item key="sortorder">3</item>
                                        <item key="ipaddress"></item>
                        <item key="let_expire">0</item>
                        <item key="contact_set">
                                <item key="owner">
                                        <item key="org_name">Setter Sanctuary</item>
                                        <item key="first_name">Owen</item>
                                        <item key="last_name">Ottway</item>
                                        <item key="address1">32 Oak St.</item>
                                        <item key="address2">Suite 100</item>
                                        <item key="address3" />
                                        <item key="status">active</item>
                                        <item key="city">Toronto</item>
                                        <item key="state">ON</item>
                                        <item key="postal_code">M1M1M1</item>
                                        <item key="country">CA</item>
                                        <item key="phone">+14165551212</item>
                                        <item key="fax"></item>
                                        <item key="email"></item>
                                <item key="admin">
                                        <item key="country">CA</item>
                                        <item key="org_name">Setter Sanctuary</item>
                                        <item key="phone">+14165551212</item>
                                        <item key="state">ON</item>
                                        <item key="last_name">Wilk</item>
                                        <item key="address2"></item>
                                        <item key="email"></item>
                                        <item key="status">active</item>
                                        <item key="lang">EN</item>
                                        <item key="city">Toronto</item>
                                        <item key="postal_code">M1M1M1</item>
                                        <item key="fax"></item>
                                        <item key="address1"> 123 Oak St.</item>
                                        <item key="first_name">Marlin</item>
                                <item key="tech">
                                        <item key="country">CA</item>
                                        <item key="org_name">Setter Sanctuary</item>
                                        <item key="phone">+14165551212</item>
                                        <item key="state">ON</item>
                                        <item key="last_name">Wilk</item>
                                        <item key="address2"></item>
                                        <item key="email"></item>
                                        <item key="status">active</item>
                                        <item key="lang">EN</item>
                                        <item key="city">Toronto</item>
                                        <item key="postal_code">M1M1M1</item>
                                        <item key="fax"></item>
                                        <item key="address1"> 123 Oak St.</item>
                                        <item key="first_name">Robson</item>
                        <item key="domain_description"></item>
                        <item key="fqdn3"></item>
Example 3: .AU domain
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">all_info</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="tld_data">
                                <item key="au_registrant_info">
                                        <item key="eligibility_type">Charity</item>
                                        <item key="registrant_id">38 144 482 002</item>
                                        <item key="registrant_id_type">ABN</item>
                                        <item key="registrant_name">Example Company Ltd</item>
                                        <item key="policy_reason">1</item>
                        <item key="registry_createdate">2010-09-22 18:29:35</item>
                        <item key="auto_renew">1</item>
                        <item key="sponsoring_rsp">1</item>
                        <item key="expiredate">2012-09-22 18:29:35</item>
                        <item key="registry_expiredate">2012-09-22 18:29:35</item>
                        <item key="nameserver_list">
                                <item key="0">
                                        <item key="name"></item>
                                        <item key="sortorder">1</item>
                                        <item key="ipaddress"></item>
                                <item key="1">
                                        <item key="name"></item>
                                        <item key="sortorder">2</item>
                                        <item key="ipaddress"></item>
                        <item key="contact_set">
                            <item key="contact_set">
                                    <item key="owner">
                                            <item key="country">US</item>
                                            <item key="address3">Owner</item>
                                            <item key="org_name">Example Inc.</item>
                                            <item key="phone">+1.4165550123x1902</item>
                                            <item key="last_name">Ottway</item>
                                            <item key="address2">Suite 500</item>
                                            <item key="status">active</item>
                                            <item key="state">CA</item>
                                            <item key="email"></item>
                                            <item key="city">SomeCity</item>
                                            <item key="postal_code">90210</item>
                                            <item key="fax">+1.4165550124</item>
                                            <item key="address1">32 Oak Street</item>
                                            <item key="first_name">Owen</item>
                                    <item key="admin">
                                            <item key="country">US</item>
                                            <item key="address3">Admin</item>
                                            <item key="status">active</item>
                                            <item key="org_name">Example Inc.</item>
                                            <item key="phone">+1.4165550123x1812</item>
                                            <item key="last_name">Adams</item>
                                            <item key="address2">Suite 100</item>
                                            <item key="state">CA</item>
                                            <item key="email"></item>
                                            <item key="city">Santa Clara</item>
                                            <item key="postal_code">90210</item>
                                            <item key="fax">+1.4165550125</item>
                                            <item key="address1">32 Oak Street</item>
                                            <item key="first_name">Adler</item>
                                    <item key="billing">
                                            <item key="country">US</item>
                                            <item key="address3">Billing</item>
                                            <item key="status">active</item>
                                            <item key="org_name">Example Inc.</item>
                                            <item key="phone">+1.4165550123x1248</item>
                                            <item key="last_name">Burton</item>
                                            <item key="address2">Suite 200</item>
                                            <item key="state">CA</item>
                                            <item key="email"></item>
                                            <item key="city">Santa Clara</item>
                                            <item key="postal_code">90210</item>
                                            <item key="fax">+1.4165550136</item>
                                            <item key="address1">32 Oak Street</item>
                                            <item key="first_name">Bill</item>
                <item key="let_expire">0</item>
                <item key="registry_updatedate">2010-09-22 18:30:05</item>
Example 4: .XXX domain
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">all_info</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="auto_renew">1</item>
                        <item key="ipr_data">
                                <item key="icm_membership_id">123456</item>
                        <item key="contact_set">
                            <item key="contact_set">
                                    <item key="owner">
                                            <item key="country">US</item>
                                            <item key="address3">Owner</item>
                                            <item key="status">active</item>
                                            <item key="org_name">Example Inc.</item>
                                            <item key="phone">+1.4165550123x1902</item>
                                            <item key="last_name">Ottway</item>
                                            <item key="address2">Suite 500</item>
                                            <item key="state">CA</item>
                                            <item key="email"></item>
                                            <item key="city">SomeCity</item>
                                            <item key="postal_code">90210</item>
                                            <item key="fax">+1.4165550124</item>
                                            <item key="address1">32 Oak Street</item>
                                            <item key="first_name">Owen</item>
                                    <item key="admin">
                                            <item key="country">US</item>
                                            <item key="address3">Admin</item>
                                            <item key="status">active</item>
                                            <item key="org_name">Example Inc.</item>
                                            <item key="phone">+1.4165550123x1812</item>
                                            <item key="last_name">Adams</item>
                                            <item key="address2">Suite 100</item>
                                            <item key="state">CA</item>
                                            <item key="email"></item>
                                            <item key="city">Santa Clara</item>
                                            <item key="postal_code">90210</item>
                                            <item key="fax">+1.4165550125</item>
                                            <item key="address1">32 Oak Street</item>
                                            <item key="first_name">Adler</item>
                                    <item key="billing">
                                            <item key="country">US</item>
                                            <item key="address3">Billing</item>
                                            <item key="status">active</item>
                                            <item key="org_name">Example Inc.</item>
                                            <item key="phone">+1.4165550123x1248</item>
                                            <item key="last_name">Burton</item>
                                            <item key="address2">Suite 200</item>
                                            <item key="state">CA</item>
                                            <item key="email"></item>
                                            <item key="city">Santa Clara</item>
                                            <item key="postal_code">90210</item>
                                            <item key="fax">+1.4165550136</item>
                                            <item key="address1">32 Oak Street</item>
                                            <item key="first_name">Bill</item>
                <item key="registry_updatedate">2011-11-29 21:16:04</item>
                <item key="sponsoring_rsp">1</item>
                <item key="registry_createdate">2011-11-29 21:11:25</item>
                <item key="expiredate">2012-11-29 21:11:25</item>
                <item key="let_expire">0</item>
                <item key="registry_expiredate">2012-11-29 21:11:25</item>
                <item key="nameserver_list">
                        <item key="0">
                                <item key="name"></item>
                                <item key="sortorder">1</item>
                                <item key="ipaddress" />
                        <item key="1">
                                <item key="name"></item>
                                <item key="sortorder">2</item>
                                <item key="ipaddress" />

type = domain_auth_info

domain_auth_infoReturned when:
type = domain_auth_info
and is_success = 1
Authentication password for the domain. This facilitates transfers to others domain_auth_info registrars.


Example: Standard request
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">domain_auth_info</item>
                        <item key="limit">10</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="domain_auth_info">ewgnRwnH</item>

type = expire_action

auto_renewReturned when:
type = expire_action and is_success = 1
Indicates domain auto-renew setting:

0—Do not auto-renew

expiredateReturned when:
type = expire_action and is_success = 1
The date that the domain is set to expire, in the format
let_expireReturned when:
type = expire_action and is_success = 1
Indicates whether the domain is set to expire silently:

0—Do not expire silently.

1—Expire silently

For more information, see “Renewing domains”.


Example: Standard request

This command returns the action that occurs on domain expiry, in particular whether the domain will renew automatically, or silently expires.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                      <item key="type">expire_action</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="let_expire">0</item>
                        <item key="expiredate">2017-01-01 06:48:18</item>
                        <item key="auto_renew">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>

type = forwarding_email

forwarding_emailReturned when:
type = forwarding_email
and is_success = 1
The domain's e-mail address that is used for forwarding purposes.


Example: Standard request

This type is currently for use with .NAME domains which have been bundled or have been upgraded with email forwarding.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">forwarding_email</item>
                        <item key="limit">10</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                      <item key="forwarding_email"></item>

type = list

countReturned when:
type = list
and is_success = 1
The count (total number) of domain names in the
current user profile.
domain_listReturned when:
type = list
and is_success = 1
An array of domain name hashes.

For compatibility reasons, if you set
with_encoding_types attribute in the request to
0 or don't set it at all, then you get an array of
scalars, domain names.

For more information, see “Domain_List” table below.
ext_resultsReturned when:
type = list
and is_success = 1
An array of extended results that indicate the domains and their expiry dates.

For more information, see the Ext_Results table below.
remainderReturned when:
type = list
and is_success = 1
A Boolean variable indicating whether there are more domains in the list:

0—No more domains.
1—More domains to be listed

Parameters within the domain_list associative array are described below:

domainReturned when:
type = list
and is_success = 1
Fully qualified domain name.
encoding_typeReturned when:
type = list
and is_success = 1
The three-character tag that represents the language encoding type for the domain.

For a list of languages and codes, see “AppendixC:
Encoding Types for IDNs

Parameters within the ext_results associative array are described below:

auto_renewReturned when:
type = list
and is_success = 1
Status of the auto-renew flag:

0—Do not auto-renew
expiredateReturned when:
type = list
and is_success = 1
Expiration date of the domain.
has_whois_privacyReturned when:
type = list
and is_success = 1
Indicates whether WHOIS Privacy is enabled:

let_expireReturned when:
type = list
and is_success = 1
Status of the let-expire flag:

0—Don't expire domain silently
1—Expire domain silently
lock_stateReturned when:
type = list
and is_success = 1
Flag indicating if the domain is locked to prevent transfers:

0—Not locked
sponsoring_rspReturned when:
type = list
and is_success = 1
Flag indicating if the domain is sponsored by the reseller making the call:

0—Not sponsoring RSP
1—Sponsoring RSP


Example: Standard request
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">list</item>
                        <item key="limit">10</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="response_text">Command Successful</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="ext_results">
                                <item key="0">
                                        <item key="">
                                                <item key="wp_service">0</item>
                                                <item key="wp_expiredate">0</item>
                                                <item key="auto_renew">1</item>
                                                <item key="expiredate">2016-10-05 21:59:59</item>
                                                <item key="sponsoring_rsp">1</item>
                                                <item key="lock_state">0</item>
                                                <item key="let_expire">0</item>
                                                <item key="has_whois_privacy">0</item>
                                <item key="1">
                                        <item key="">
                                                <item key="wp_service">0</item>
                                                <item key="wp_expiredate">0</item>
                                                <item key="auto_renew">1</item>
                                                <item key="expiredate">2016-09-21 21:52:19</item>
                                                <item key="sponsoring_rsp">1</item>
                                                <item key="lock_state">1</item>
                                                <item key="let_expire">0</item>
                                                <item key="has_whois_privacy">0</item>
                                <item key="2">
                                        <item key="">
                                                <item key="wp_service">0</item>
                                                <item key="wp_expiredate">0</item>
                                                <item key="auto_renew">1</item>
                                                <item key="expiredate">2017-01-03 06:48:18</item>
                                                <item key="sponsoring_rsp">1</item>
                                                <item key="lock_state">1</item>
                                                <item key="let_expire">0</item>
                                                <item key="has_whois_privacy">0</item>
                                <item key="3">
                                        <item key="">
                                                <item key="wp_service">0</item>
                                                <item key="wp_expiredate">0</item>
                                                <item key="auto_renew">1</item>
                                                <item key="expiredate">2016-09-18 15:01:10</item>
                                                <item key="sponsoring_rsp">1</item>
                                                <item key="lock_state">0</item>
                                                <item key="let_expire">0</item>
                                                <item key="has_whois_privacy">0</item>
                        <item key="count">4</item>
                        <item key="remainder">0</item>
                        <item key="domain_list">
                                <item key="0"></item>
                                <item key="1"></item>
                                <item key="2"></item>
                                <item key="3"></item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>

type = nameservers

nameserver_listReturned when:
type = nameservers
and is_success = 1
A list of nameservers. Each nameserver is represented as an anonymous associative array.

For more information, see the Nameserver_List table below.

Parameters within the nameserver_list associative array are described below.

ipaddressReturned when:
type = nameservers
IP address of the nameserver
nameReturned when:
type = nameservers
Fully qualified domain name of the nameserver.
sortorderReturned when:
type = nameservers
Sort order of this nameserver. The sortorder does not necessarily start at 0 and there may be gaps between nameserver entries. It does indicate the relative sorting order of the nameservers. The sort order value must be preserved for nameserver modification commands.


Example: Standard request
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">nameservers</item>
                        <item key="limit">10</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">nameservers</item>
                        <item key="nameserver_list">
                                <item key="0">
                                        <item key="ipaddress"></item>
                                        <item key="sortorder">1</item>
                                        <item key="name"></item>
                                <item key="1">
                                        <item key="ipaddress"></item>
                                        <item key="sortorder">2</item>
                                        <item key="name"></item>

type = rsp_whois_info

businessReturned when:
type = rsp_whois_info
and is_success = 1
The business name of the RSP.
domain_enabledReturned when:
type = rsp_whois_info
and is_success = 1
Indicates whether this feature enabled for given domain:

emailReturned when:
type = rsp_whois_info
and is_success = 1
Email address of the RSP.
phoneReturned when:
type = rsp_whois_info
and is_success = 1
Phone number of the RSP.
rsp_enabledReturned when type =
is_success = 1
Indicates whether this feature is enabled or disabled by RSP:

urlReturned when type =
is_success = 1
The URL of the RSP.


Example: Standard request
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">rsp_whois_info</item>
                        <item key="limit">10</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">Command successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="url" />
                        <item key="domain_enabled">Y</item>
                        <item key="rsp_enabled">Y</item>
                        <item key="fax" />
                        <item key="business">Example</item>
                        <item key="opt_info">This company may be contacted
                            for domain login/passwords, DNS/Nameserver changes, and general domain
                            support questions.</item>
                        <item key="email"></item>
                        <item key="phone">+1.4165350123</item>

type = status

auctionescrowReturned when:
type = status
and domain is in auction escrow.
Indicates whether the domain has been placed in auction escrow. If in auction escrow, the domain cannot be renewed.

0—Not in escrow.
1—In escrow.
can_modifyReturned when:
type = status
and is_success = 1
Indicates whether the lock state can be modified during this session:

0—Cannot be modified.
1—Can be modified.
domain_supportsReturned when:
type = status
and is_success = 1
Indicates whether the TLD is one that supports domain locking:

0—Does not support domain locking.
1—Supports domain locking
lock_stateReturned when:
type = status
and is_success = 1
Indicates whether the domain is locked:

0—Not locked.

parkp_statusOptionalIndicates if the domain is enabled for the Parked Pages service. Values are Enabled, Activating, or blank. If returned but left blank, the domain is not enabled.
transfer_away_in_progressOptionalIf returned, indicates that the domain is in the process of being transferred away. Value is 1.



The domain_supports and can_modify attributes are different in that a
TLD from a registry that supports domain locking always returns 1 for
domain_supports, but the state of the current session as well as the internal
state of the domain at OpenSRS affects can_modify. This is only true when
all of the following conditions are met:

  • Request is done through the sponsoring reseller for the domain.
  • The TLD for the domain is one that supports locking at the registry level.
  • The domain is not locked internally by OpenSRS.


Example: Standard request
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="domain"></item>
                        <item key="type">status</item>
                        <item key="limit">10</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">Command successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="can_modify">0</item>
                        <item key="domain_supports">1</item>
                        <item key="auctionescrow">1</item>
                        <item key="parkp_status">enabled</item>
                        <item key="lock_state">0</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">Command successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="can_modify">0</item>
                        <item key="domain_supports">1</item>
                        <item key="parkp_status" />
                        <item key="lock_state">0</item>
                        <item key="transfer_away_in_progress">1</item>

type = tld_data

tld_dataReturned for:
.ASIA, .AR, .AU, .BR, .CL, .COOP, .DE, .DK, .FI, .HK, .HU, .IT, .JOBS, .LV, .MX, .NO, .PM, .PRO, .PT, .RE, .RO, .RU, .SE, .TF, .US, .WF, .XXX, .YT, and .ZA domains when type tld_data and is_success = true
An associative array containing registrant information.

For more information, see “tld_data”.


Example 1: .ASIA domain
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">tld_data</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="tld_data">
                                <item key="ced_info">
                                        <item key="legal_entity_type_info">proprietorship</item>
                                        <item key="locality_state_prov">NSW</item>
                                        <item key="id_type">other</item>
                                        <item key="contact_type">tech</item>
                                        <item key="locality_city">Sydney</item>
                                        <item key="locality_country">AU</item>
                                        <item key="id_type_info">driver\'s license</item>
                                        <item key="legal_entity_type">other</item>
                                        <item key="id_number">AB1234567</item>
Example 2: .COOP domain
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">tld_data</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="tld_data">
                                <item key="registrant_extra_info">
                                        <item key="coop_verification_code">123456789</item>
Example 3: .DK domain
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">tld_data</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="tld_data">
                                <item key="registrant_extra_info">
                                        <item key="registrant_type">organization</item>
                                        <item key="registrant_vat_id">123456789</item>
Example 4: .JOBS domain
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">tld_data</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="tld_data">
                                <item key="registrant_extra_info">
                                        <item key="jobs_admin_type">Yes</item>
                                        <item key="jobs_industry_type">Supply Chain
                                        <item key="jobs_title">HR Generalist</item>
                                        <item key="jobs_association_member">Yes</item>
                                        <item key="jobs_website"></item>
Example 5: .LV and .COM.LV domains
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">tld_data</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="tld_data">
                                <item key="registrant_extra_info">
                                        <item key="registrant_type">individual</item>
                                        <item key="id_card_number">987654321</item>
Example 6: .PRO domain
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">tld_data</item>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key='protocol'>XCP</item>
                <item key='action'>REPLY</item>
                <item key='object'>DOMAIN</item>
                <item key='response_text'>Query Successful</item>
                <item key='response_code'>200</item>
                <item key='is_success'>1</item>
                <item key='attributes'>
                        <item key='tld_data'>
                                <item key='professional_data'>
                                        <item key='profession'>Dentist</item>
                                        <item key='license_number'>123456789</item>
                                        <item key='authority_website'>http://www.cda-
                                  </item> Association</item>
                                    <item key='authority'>Canadian Dental

type = waiting history

Example: Standard request
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">get</item>
                <item key="object">domain</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">waiting_history</item>
                        <item key="limit">10</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="record_count">0</item>
                        <item key="waiting_history">
                            <dt_array />

type = whois_privacy_state

ParameterObligationDefinition / Value
stateReturned when:
type = whois_privacy_state
and is_success = 1
WHOIS Privacy state: enabled, disabled, enabling (in process), or disabling (in process).


Example: Standard request
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">GET</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">whois_privacy_state</item>
                        <item key="limit">10</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="state">enabled</item>

type = whois_publicity_state

ParameterObligationDefinition / Value
stateReturned when:
type = whois_publicity_state
and is_success = 1
WHOIS Publicity state: enabled, disabled.


Example: Standard request
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">GET</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">whois_publicity_state</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM 'ops.dtd'>
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="state">enabled</item>

type = ca_whois_display_setting

Parameters within the ca_whois_display_setting associative array are described below.

displayReturned if:
is_success = 1
Indicates the current setting for the CIRA WHOIS Privacy setting.

Allowed values are:

PRIVATE — Personal information is not displayed on WHOIS lookups.

FULL — Personal information such as name, address, telephone number and email address is displayed on WHOIS lookups.
individualReturned if:
is_success = 1
Indicates whether the domain owner is an individual registrant. Only individual registrants (Canadian citizens, Permanent residents, Legal representatives, Aboriginal peoples) can change their CIRA Whois Privacy setting.

Allowed values are Y or N.

For more information, see “.CA registrations”.


Example: Standard request
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">GET</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">ca_whois_display_setting</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">OK</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="individual">Y</item>
                        <item key="display">FULL</item>

type = xpack_waiting_history

ParameterObligationDefinition / Value
record_countReturned when
type = xpack_waiting_history
and is_success = 1
The number of completed/cancelled requests not yet deleted from the database for xpack domains.
waiting_historyReturned when
type = xpack_waiting_history
and is_success = 1
The history of the request. For more information, see the waiting_history table below.


Parameter nameObligationDefinition / Value
create_timeReturned when:
type = xpack_waiting_history
and is_success = 1
The date and time the request was initiated, in the format DD-MMM-YYYY hh:mm:ss.
current_stateReturned when:
type = xpack_waiting_history
and is_success = 1
The current state of the request.
reg_typeReturned when:
type = xpack_waiting_history
and is_success = 1
Type of request. Completed and cancelled requests are deleted from the database two weeks after they move to final state.
xpack_req_idReturned when:
type = xpack_waiting_history
and is_success = 1
The identification number of the request.


Example: Standard request
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">GET</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="domain"></item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="type">xpack_waiting_history</item>
                        <item key="limit">10</item>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="response_text">Query Successful</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="record_count">1</item>
                        <item key="waiting_history">
                                <item key="0">
                                        <item key="xpack_req_id">156013</item>
                                        <item key="current_state">INITIATE</item>
                                        <item key="create_time">05-JAN-2006
                                        <item key="req_type">domain_change</item>