Domain Event: registrant_verification_status_change

This event notification is generated when there is a change to the registrant verification status for a domain. This provides an update on the state of a registrant's verification.

Response Parameters for registrant_verification_status_change (domain)

If the request is successful, the attributes associative array may include the

Parameter nameObligationDefinition/Value
verification_statusAlways returned.The status of the verification.

Possible values include:

unverified The verification process has not been initiated. The domain does not need to be verified.

pending - The verification process has been initiated, and the verification email will be sent to the registrant.

verifying - The verification process has been initiated and is waiting for registrant response.

verified - The registrant has been verified.

suspended - The domain is suspended and we interrupt the DNS to prevent the domain from resolving. The domain will be placed on ClientHold.

admin_reviewing - The registrant data has been submitted and is being verified manually by the Tucows Compliance team.

bounced - The registrant verification that we sent from OpenSRS has bounced.


Example Response for registrant_verification_status_change

<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<!DOCTYPE OPS_envelope SYSTEM "ops.dtd">
                <item key="protocol">XCP</item>
                <item key="object">EVENT</item>
                <item key="response_code">200</item>
                <item key="is_success">1</item>
                <item key="response_text">Command successful</item>
                <item key="transaction_id">2014-06-19 11:31:49 27660 101</item>
                <item key="action">REPLY</item>
                <item key="attributes">
                        <item key="events">
                                <item key="0">
                                        <item key="object_data">
                                                <item key="domain_name"></item>
                                                <item key="domain_id">808369</item>
                                                <item key="verification_status">pending</item>
                                        <item key="object">DOMAIN</item>
                                        <item key="event_id">f430be6ae0ff7600a1b5214125b0e079</item>
                                        <item key="event">REGISTRANT_VERIFICATION_STATUS_CHANGE</item>
                                        <item key="event_date">2014-06-19T15:31:48Z</item>
                        <item key="total">6</item>